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Search results

  1. B

    Extract text string from in between two _ ?

    Thank you all for the wonderful response. Unfortunately, the text between the two "_" delimiters will NOT always be exactly four characters - though I do see that the few lines I provided did make it look that way :( Some other Data examples: DFC_000140_OLD_bill.xls DFC_000094_AUST_bill.xls...
  2. B

    Extract text string from in between two _ ?

    Greetings all! I have a bunch of cells that are lists of filenames that all follow the same format: DFC_000094_AUST_bill.xls DFC_000095_BRAZ_bill.xls DFC_000096_CANA_bill.xls DFC_000097_CHIL_bill.xls I need to extract the four letter code that is in between the 2nd and 3rd "_" for each. AUST...
  3. B

    Return range from a Data Table based on Lookup Criteria

    Thank you NARAYANK991, I will have to try that. It is almost as convoluted as my own answer which I came up with by using an embedded INDEX inside of an INDEX to both provide a range and to test against! This is not pretty, but it does work...
  4. B

    Return range from a Data Table based on Lookup Criteria

    I am trying to come up with a formula that will let me return an array of X cells beginning with the the 1st NON-ZERO value from a data table: ItemA:0|1|2|8 ItemB:9|0|3|6 ItemC:4|2|0|5 So, given the Item and say 3 cells, the formula Would return something like this: ItemA:1|2|8 ItemB:9|0|3...
  5. B

    Finding the Nth negative value

    Thanks SirJB7! I guess I should have known that VB would be the way to go. I'll have to look at the code in greater depth and test it some, but I wanted to thank you! It is interesting to use a "S" or "E" as a switch. That's very smart and I would never think to construct the same function to...
  6. B

    Finding the Nth negative value

    Hopefully the forum can help me since I've been struggling with this for a few days and am losing my mind. I have a large range of automatically generated columns that report daily predicted inventory levels. These numbers can be positive, negative, or 0. Given a user supplied integer I...