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  1. B

    How to create a webpage using excel?

    ericlind, that is not exactly what I want. I am trying to use the great filtering capabilities of Excel on a webpage, not just on my screen, without people knowing its excel or being able to change it. My users only have a BROWSER, not excel or office products.
  2. B

    How to create a webpage using excel?

    The link doesnt appear to work for me.
  3. B

    How to create a webpage using excel?

    I may be making the question much more complicated than it is. This must be a very basic thing to do on the internet. Lets say you have a site and you want to show the progress of your project on a corner of the page. You put the data in an excel file and save it on your server. The visitors see...
  4. B

    How to create a webpage using excel?

    Thanks Chandoo. I can't work on Google docs, its like a toy compared to Excel. I cannot use a free site, it is confidential data and it will be on my own site with restricted access based on users's access previliges. I am looking into Excel Services but I don't understand much. Sharepoint...
  5. B

    How to create a webpage using excel?

    thank you for your response. Actually its on the internet with no local access. Can I do the same thing?
  6. B

    How to create a webpage using excel?

    Hi Dilbert, I have a huge excel file that I continuously modify and I have to email it to a few people. Its long list of about 1500 rows and 10 columns. Each column has a filter at the top row. Each recipient filters the file to get what they need to see and hide everything else. Is there a...