I have 60 columns. in the 61th column, I want to display bar symbol (-) if the cell for each row contain zero continuously.
Is there any formula. Plz help me.
for row2 , suppose the column ap,aq and ar contain zero and rest cell contain other value. so for that particular row, i want to...
thanks narayan, its working very fine. But the string 'Cases' has not been added to the numeric data. Output should be like this.
Could you plz spend some time. Your help will be highly appreciated
Boys mark Physics=50 Cases
Boys mark non-Physics=1 Case
Boys games in Physics=11 Cases
The macro removes cases where equal to zero(=0) is there along with string "No Cases".
Can we restrict that it works where value (=0) is there but skip records with string "No Cases".
i want to run the macro from row number R7 upto R200 as R1-R6 is having data.
dim i as range
Set i= Range("H7:h200").SpecialCells(xlConstants)
But sometimes data are not available from starting row(R7) but when I run the loop, I am getting error "no cells found". What condition i need...
thanks narayan for looking the matter.
Yes, every line consists of 4 parts.If string on any one of the part is duplicated, then we need to take only one.
hi all,
I want to count the below records to two single records (based on cts and ibm). Each string should repeated only once
I want to convert following range value to formula but getting error. can anybody help me;
· very common 10%,
· common 1% to < 10%;
· uncommon 0.1% to < 1%;
· rare 0.01% to < 0.1%;
· very rare < 0.01%.
=IF(M10<"0.01%", "very rare" , IF(AND(M5>=0.01%...
One problem here is that the macro is restricted to row only, where as border are selected for all column. I dont want border whereever I come across blank cell in rows or columns
Dear all,
In my datasheet, I have four variables. I need to make all border from cell(2,2) to last row along with last column until I encounter blank row and column.
Pat_001 Ser Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders...