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  1. N

    How to make the user to enable macros and Enter the mandatory fields

    Thank you Prasad n. I found the link to upload the document. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BygqUhtDfTtZZmE2MmY3YjAtY2MwOS00OTE1LTg4YmUtOWNlYTYzNjY5Yjdj Can someone help me with both codes to keep in same workbook.
  2. N

    How to make the user to enable macros and Enter the mandatory fields

    This code works. I have tested it even before it was posted. I took it when I googled for similar information. but as i mentioned earlier I have two seperate codes both are functioning on this workbook page. if one code works the other doesn't. This is where is my problem. First code...
  3. N

    How to make the user to enable macros and Enter the mandatory fields

    Thank you very much for your immediate response, however the hiding or un hiding works but not the code for mandatory field updated. Should I update the macro in the sheet or in this workbook. How can I send the file that I have to you?
  4. N

    How to make the user to enable macros and Enter the mandatory fields

    My excel has one tab where the user needs to fill the mandatory fields, if he missed excel will give the pop up and will not allow to close until the fields are populated. now they asked me what to do in case if the user has disabled the macros. How to make someone enable to macro and then...