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  1. P

    Formulas to Avoid Loops?

    Hello, I have a list of participating stores and products that the company carries (please see attached - it's highlighted in yellow). Not all stores have all products available. What I need to get is a list of available products for each store displayed next to the name of the store (no lbs)...
  2. P

    Help with INDEX/MATCH

    Hi guys, got stuck with the INDEX/MATCH functions, getting an incorrect result. Need to get a summary by product type by region in the example below (combined number of units of fruit and vegetables for both regions). When I added =SUMIF($B:$B,"Fruit",((INDEX($C:$H,,MATCH($N2,$C$1:$H$1,0)))))...
  3. P

    Need Help with Data Summary

    Hello... Here is a very condensed version of what I am trying to accomplish here. Several workers are assigned to several ongoing projects; their time is fully allocated in cells B2 through G4. 1) How I give their manager a summary similar to what I have in cells B12 through D14 without...
  4. P

    Enhancing SUMPRODUCT for am Additional Criterion

    Hello, The attached spreadsheet contains 2 tabs. Sheet1 is the original example where we got the summary of sales by region by distribution channel. Part 2 (red) is the same example, but with an additional criterion. I had to separate products by Type (Meat and Produce) and get the answer for...
  5. P

    INDEX/MATCH question

    Hello, Please see the attached example. The yellow part of the data section shows percentage allocation of each product by region. The green section shows the allocation of the same product by distribution channel. Now I need to "marry" the two and get the sum by region by channel (at this...
  6. P

    2 Sets of Data - Stacked Chart in 365

    Hello, Here is the simplified version of a chart that I have to create in Excel. There is a sales chart that shows breakdown for 2020 by region, stacked by product type. Now I need to add a column for 2019 for each region, broken down in the same fashion (by product). I highlighted the columns...
  7. P

    Organizing Data - SUMIFS/INDEX-MATCH

    Hello, Need some help organizing data (please see attached). The data tab has detailed data by product by region. The list is basically a classification database that translates each product into a category. I need to populate the summary tab to calculate how much profit each region generated...
  8. P

    Referencing Columns in SUMIFS

    Greetings, I am trying to create a unified formula that can be copied without modifications to multiple tabs (this example is obviously simplified). On the attached spreadsheet, I populated the tab labeled "North" with the shell for the desired outcome. I want to do the SUMIFS by using the...
  9. P

    Summing up columns for COUNTIF or COUNTIFS

    Greetings! I am trying to eliminate the days when the total sales were under $100. For the sake of this example I am eliminating other data from this file. Do I have to insert add column D that sums up sales from apples and oranges and use the logic COUNTIF($D:$D,">=100), or is there a fancy way...
  10. P

    Stacked Column Charts

    I have to show the number of placed orders and the number of fulfilled (delivered) orders by month. How do I do that without having multiple legend entries (I can get there with Red-Delivered, Red-Closed, but need to have just Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green). The goal is to have January Placed...
  11. P

    Populate Columns

    Hello, I have a list of accounts listed in the left-most column on the Data tab (please see the attached workbook) and the associated amounts by month. I need to create a data load on the Result tab that would list all the amounts associated with each month. I cannot use VB project or macros...
  12. P

    Need to identify the number of unique values

    Hello, I need to identify the number of unique values in a column without using a macro. I tried using the DISTINCT function but I guess my syntax is incorrect. I have 2 options -either to incorporate it in a data table or, better yet, use it in a pivot table. I cannot use the count of... in...
  13. P

    Need help with the legend

    I have a chart that has 5 different categories of data (e.g., products). The chart is linked to a drop-down list that contains over 50 departments. Some of them have only 1 or 2 products, but the legend is still displayed for all 5. Is there a way to exclude the legend for the rows that have all...
  14. P

    Linking Chart Titles to a Cell

    I am trying to link my chart title to a cell that contains the drop-down list (the chart data is tied to that list and changes when a different value is selected). Is there a way to do it? I am using Excel 2007 and need to tie the chart title to the cell $A$1 on the same tab. Any input is...
  15. P

    Looking up a tab

    I have to create a mechanism for looking up a value on a particular tab in the file with multiple tabs. I have a summary sheet for multiple departments that lists each department separately. Total expenses are on a particular cell of identically formatted sheets for each department. I know I can...
  16. P

    Populate 1 cell

    Hello! I am drawing a complete blank while writing a simple macro. I need to populate a single cell with a text (without actually writing subroutines - just in Excel). For instance, I need to display "sample text" in A1. How do I do it? Thanks!
  17. P


    This has been driving me crazy. I know there is something minor and stupid that my eye just cannot catch as I've been staring at it for two long. I am wondering what I have done wrong. =SUMPRODUCT(('[Total Technology Nov.xlsx]Slide 6'!$D$4:$K$4=D$27)*('[Total Technology Nov.xlsx]Slide...
  18. P

    Too many IF statements?

    Hi everyone! I am using Excel 2007. I have two working formulas: =IF($T5="",VLOOKUP($C5,'Plan...
  19. P

    Nested IF functions in combo with SUMPRODUCT

    Hello, I am getting an error message when trying to use nested IF functions. There are only 3 possibilities, and I am getting an error message "Too Many Arguments." Is there a character limit in Excel 2007? When I omit one of the "IF"s, the function works properly.