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  1. M


    Yes, i have already posted the sample workbook. Please see the below link for more info. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmeAqnysdt
  2. M


    Hello, Can someone please look into this and revert? I need your help...
  3. M


    Hi Please see below for Sample data. I could not find the attachment icon anywhere to attach the excel sheet. Date Product/Sector Cost Center Region Agent Process SubProcess Volumes Received Volumes Processed Assigned Volumes Closing Volumes Volumes Audited Auditor Errors External Errors...
  4. M


    Please help me to answer my question? I need your help here to createa spreadsheet with all my requirements..
  5. M


    When you say subset of data, do you want me to attach the spreadsheet i am using
  6. M


    Hi Chandoo, I would like to appreciate your efforts to improve people's knowledge on Excel. I need an help on how to create a dashboard which reflects my teams peformance to my management. My Data consists of Product,Volumes processed,Volumes Received,Actual Turn Around time Agent, Region...