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  1. C

    Same occurence and the time that elapsed.

    The difficulty is it is selecting the largest date in the data sheet regardless of unique identifier. I even tried Large, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. There are multiple lights replaced on any given day so there are always duplicate dates, but not duplicate identifiers. I was hoping a formula would be...
  2. C

    Same occurence and the time that elapsed.

    Vaskov17, It isn't working. Not sure why though. I broke the formula in half and just went after the Large, 1 to see if it selected the largest date. It does. I then went to Large, 2 to see if it selected the second largest date, it doesn't. It continues to select the largest. Beginning...
  3. C

    Same occurence and the time that elapsed.

    I have data for a greenhouse - specifically each time a bulb or ballast is changed. There are over a thousand lights, each has a unique identifier. Each week the data is updated. There are hundreds of rows. I want to add a column that looks up the unique identifier, takes the most recent...