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Search results

  1. W

    Pivot calc. field considering value from previous field

    Dears, problem which bothers me for a long time. I have an access database with raw data for purchasing. I'd like to simply calculate weekly balance for buys ("Previous week stock/balance" plus "Incoming" minus "Demand") weekly, considering stock from previous week. I think it...
  2. W

    TXT file with specific structure - Import

    Marc L, I will try to solve it with Text2C, I didn't think I can use it with different parameter on each line. Wow. Sample file posted, it's not a final version of report, just idea how to store data.
  3. W

    TXT file with specific structure - Import

    Hello Hui, I can't use TextToColumns, there are 2 types of separators, ":" and ",". I think read files via VBA, line by line and break them is best idea for my problem. Till now I've made below code, need to test it, but I don't have experience with 2D arrays, I will see if it...
  4. W

    TXT file with specific structure - Import

    Hi guys, I'd like to import several dozens of text files (MEA - 3D measurements of plastic parts) I know, how to make a code to import several files in once, but just guess, how to read text file with specific structure. Every file has about 10 measurements points of one part - each...
  5. W

    Access examples

    bobhc, ok, now I know what you mean. I've expected that with Access we can do incredibles as well as with Excel. Now I see it's just normal applicatiion. Simultaneously it empowers my thoughts that Excel is superterrestrial.
  6. W

    Access examples

    Thanks bobhc, but anyway, those were just trainings, you're right, there are plenty of them around. I'm looking for real profesional-like Access solutions made, such as Chandoo's dashboards in Excel. I've learnt a lot from those Excel solutions, that's why I'm looking for similarities in...
  7. W

    Access examples

    Hi guys, I'm wondering why there are so many Excel examples from profesionals on the web around, but I cannot any for Access. Please, can somebody paste links here with Access examples, so I can learn high level tips & tricks of?
  8. W

    Deleting in excel

    Hi, I just don't understand why use function. Some time ago I used macro to do this, but it's not as efficient and safe as technique below. Usually I input values from 1 to 6 into first 6 rows in supportive column and then copy and paste till end of data range, then use autofilter and...
  9. W

    Using Vlookup to Text String

    Hi Angga, your vlookup syntax is ok, if result is #N/A, then probably there is no string that fits your criteria in column A.
  10. W

    Dynamic Pivot Table Issue

    Hi questell. as I remember, it was simple macro, assigned to drop down list. Looks like: [pivot table report cell].Value=[drop down table result].Value Better then explanation is to check on your own. Right click on unprotected drop down list and check "Assign macro" settings.
  11. W


    Hi ashok, if you want to be transfered to any cell after cell click, probably you mean hyperlink. Go to "Insert" -> "Links" -> "Hyperlink". Choose "Place in this document"
  12. W

    floating camera tool picture

    No no, there was not freeze feature applied. That picture was floating in the centre of the screen, all data were shifting underneath picture. I'm going to find that file
  13. W

    floating camera tool picture

    Hi guys, some time ago, I saw a calculation with camera tool picture, floating above sheet. It means during scroling it stood still in a centre of a screen. Stored in a xls file, but without macro in a sheet or module. Do you have idea how that feature was made?
  14. W

    Formatting - chose different type of number format/round based on value

    Hi all, is there a way to format number type based on value? My target is to format number like 7856 as 7K 3 234 567 as 3M 234 as 234 all that with just one format setting? I've tried [>10000]0 "K";[>1000000]0 "M";[<1000]0 ' using central Europe regional settings...
  15. W

    Finding Duplicates in workbook

    Hi rsk, if you really need to store data in multiple sheets, maybe some kind of control sheet would be helpful. Try to use "Consolidate" feature in special sheet. There you can have several checking functions.
  16. W

    Pivot table -dates grouping

    Chevalblanc, probably you're trying right click somewhere else. First, you should left click row with dates in it. Then you can see option to ungroup highlighted. Or right click, but click in one cell in a date row or column. BR
  17. W

    MOS Excel Expert

    Thanks gentlemen. I've seen almost all of them but thanks for your effort. on kimbalko.blogspot.com (above) there is a link to beta exam, I'm going to try it after work. Thanks again.
  18. W

    MOS Excel Expert

    Hi all, can anyone provide sample test for MOS Excel Expert certification or a good link? I'm going to get one in march. I've heard that it's "real tasks based" test. It costs not a small amount as well. That's why I wanna be prepared as well as possible. Thanks
  19. W

    Dynamically Change Pivot Table Filters

    Hello bigheavy. please check for example: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/08/10/mlb-pitching-stats-dashboard/ There are macros made by Chandoo or his student, that changes Pivot report value by drop_down menu. Hope it will help you BR
  20. W

    Computing percentile values in pivot tables

    Hi Although I don't understand you clearly, I suggest: 1. right click on pivot table, then choose "Value fields settings" 2. just choose second tab "Show values as" 3. play with the settings or you can set up a artificial calculated field in pivot: 1. left click anywhere in pivot 2. on...
  21. W

    Find condition and consolidate

    Thanks for answer Faseeh. But I think that your huge formula is not a best solution. I thought about one neat nested SUMIF formula with range for criteria changing based on part type. Something like: =SUMIF(looking for column based on part type;$A2;J:J) Let's assume there is one column...
  22. W

    Find condition and consolidate

    Hi guys, could you help me with one formula which can fulfill gray area on a picture below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sPgiI1RNXcv7TEnkzD_We-IsVZRHta-FWPqwXAs6kOA/edit?pli=1 I have to consolidate data with layout as picture shows, in orange area. No problem to sumif with...
  23. W

    Conditional formating to show its nearly time to renew or your time is up!

    you can check few minutes earlier topic about conditional formating for minutes, seconds, everything necessary is there
  24. W

    Conditional formating to show its nearly time to renew or your time is up!

    aaaa. missed your latest post. If you want a color scaling, then input formula to new column, like =A1-today() and then set up color scaling conditional formating
  25. W

    Conditional formating to show its nearly time to renew or your time is up!

    Many times the VBA solution is obsolete. Why don't you use just conditional formatting? Like =A1<today() Don't forget to set up proper formatting that will warn you.