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Search results

  1. C

    Project Timeline

    I am working with the project timeline template from Chandoo and I have one set up. Is there any way to rotate the time line so the dates are on the Y-axis and the milestone bars come out horizontal? Basically I want to rotate the whole time.
  2. C

    Insterting Lines with Elseif

    Ok, I guess using numbers was a bad idea. What is actually going to be in the columns I am basing the number of rows needed to be inserted is text. So, if in column A it says "Net 30" I want it to insert 1 row, if it says "80% Delivery, 20% First Use", I want it to insert 2 columns. Any way of...
  3. C

    Insterting Lines with Elseif

    Is there a way to insert different amounts of lines depending on a cell's value? For example, in column A, have the following values (1, 2, 3, 4). Is there a way I can say "if the value in column A is 1 then insert 1 line below, or else if the value is 2, insert 2 lines below, or else if the...
  4. C

    Rows Select Macro

    I am trying to select data in a group of columns and I want the row it ends on to be based on data in column C. So, I am trying to select everything in columns AG2:AQ2 and down to the last row that has a value in column C. Since column AQ2 will have empty cells, I can not use the basic ...
  5. C

    Run Macro based on file name

    Right now, I have a template file with macros in it. One of the macros runs all the other macros. The problem I am having is it will not work if I change the name of the file. The current template file code looks like this... Application.Run "'Dashboard Template.xlsm'!OriginalDataFill"...
  6. C

    Find Empty Cell and Sum Cells Above

    Final Macro.... Dim StartRow As Integer Dim EndRow As Integer StartRow = 2 EndRow = Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row For i = StartRow To EndRow If Cells(i, "D") = "" And i > StartRow Then Cells(i, "D").Formula = "=SUM(D" & StartRow & ":D" & i - 1 & ")" StartRow = i + 1...
  7. C

    Find Empty Cell and Sum Cells Above

    That works great, except for one thing.... for EndRow = is there any may to make that the last cell that has value in it. (EndRow = End(xlup)) or anything like that? Thanks!
  8. C

    Find Empty Cell and Sum Cells Above

    I am trying to set up a macro that will go down a column until the next empty row and then sum the rows above it. I have a macro right now that will accomplish this, but it only inserts the value not the actual equation itself. For example, 1 2 empty cell <---- find this empty cell and...