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  1. H

    Conditional Formatting

    You my friend are a complete star... Thank you so much....
  2. H

    Conditional Formatting

    While I have an expert can I ask if there is a way if on sheet 1 you picked the same team on a row it will throw up an error?
  3. H

    Conditional Formatting

    This is just what I want. Thank you so much.
  4. H

    Conditional Formatting

    AS requested.
  5. H

    Conditional Formatting

    I am using a list on 1 sheet for a drop down list on another. I have added colour to the list. (Each item is a different colour) is there a way so that when you use the drop down option that picks from the list the colours from the list show on your selection. (I have 24 choices on the list). I...
  6. H

    Displaying a large amount of text in one cell by hovering.

    Good morning, I use a workbook that basically has a few cells with just a few words and some that contain a lot of text. When we use this for presenting we sometimes need to see the full content of the cell. Is there a quick way of displaying this? Ideally I would just want to hover over the...
  7. H

    Highlight a row if cells meet certain conditions

    Many thanks. I used your advice Bosco and that seems to have done the trick :)
  8. H

    Highlight a row if cells meet certain conditions

    Good evening, new post for me. I am trying to use conditional formatting to highlight a row if certain conditions are met. 3 x options Y, N or NA. If all 3 are Y, Y, Y I want the row highlight green If I have Y, Y, NA again I want this green (NA should be read as Y) If any one shows N the row...
  9. H

    Excel count and conditional formating

    I think I need 3 statements in one line: x=15, If U5(leave booked)=>x, 2, If U5 is (between 1-14), 1, If U5 is 0, 0
  10. H

    Excel count and conditional formating

    Tried that and it did not work??? Does it not need to include the range 1-14 somewhere in the formula?
  11. H

    Excel count and conditional formating

    I have tried simplifying this now: =IF(U5>=$U$102,2,) U5 is my booked leave, $U$102 is the value 15, if the value of U5 is 15 or greater we get the value 2, this is fine, if the value is less than 15 we get a '0', I need it to display a'1' if we get a value of between 1 and 14. Is this...
  12. H

    Excel count and conditional formating

    How do I generate the 1,2 or 3. I first need to compare the date against the date of Apr 30, I then need to compare the leave booked against 15. This is my problem. Once I get this sorted I think I am confident with the rest. 30 April - If you have 15 days booked should be a 1 (meaning ok), if...
  13. H

    Excel count and conditional formating

    Thanks for quick reply, first off I have a list of each individual with the leave break down, the one the concerns me is the total leave booked, this has to be compared with todays day. If you do not have 15 days leave booked by Apr you display a 2, if you have zero days booked you 3 if you have...
  14. H

    Excel count and conditional formating

    I am try to create a formula that will count certain criteria. This is my first post so will try my best to explain what I am trying to achieve. I have one figure x (total leave), y (total booked), z (total remaining). These are in separtate cells. New leave is issued 1 Apr, you must have 15...