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  1. D

    Counting number matches in ranges with string text

    Thanks Meedan. The formula works perfectly. I also tried entering a shortened version of my original formula =COUNT(FIND(D8,A1:C5)) as an array formula and it works as well. Looks like it all came down to just entering the formula as an array. Appreciate the help.
  2. D

    Counting number matches in ranges with string text

    I noticed that the formatting didn't carry over. Sorry about that. Here is the text entered for each cell: A1 = 1.02 A2 = 1.03 A3 = 1.05 A4 = 1.02 1.03 A5 = 1.02, 1.03 B1 = 1.02 B2 = 1.03 B3 = 1.05 B4 = 1.02 B5 = 1.02 C1 = 1.03 C2 = 1.05 C3 = 1.02 C4 = 1.02 1.03 C5 = 1.02...
  3. D

    Counting number matches in ranges with string text

    Hello all, I am trying to figure out a formula that will help me count how many times a particular number sequence is appearing in a range of string text that could be anywhere from 4 characters on up. The text could appear as: A B C 1.02 1.02 1.03...