I think I know what my problem is. When I evaluate the formula on this code:
=(IF(ISBLANK($A2),0,(IF(ISBLANK(B$1),0,hrsbymonth($A 2,RIGHT(B$1,LEN(B$1)-6))))))
B1 is a date that needs to match with the dates on worksheets but it gives me the format 41122; which is the same date but integer...
Hello everyone
I'm excited about finding this site. My name is Darlene and I'm pretty intermediate (not advanced yet) in Excel and I need help but I learn from that help and document it for future use. I appreciate people with knowledge because I want to know too. I'm not ashamed to ask for...
I have the following function that reads cells F23 thru Q38 but based on numbers 1 thru 12, 13 thru 24, 25 thru 36, 37 thru 48, or 49 thru 60 (5 year period) in F22 thru Q22 on many worksheets. Management changed from numbers, 1 thru 12, etc... to dates now based on fiscal year. Our fiscal...