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Search results

  1. V

    Add every other column

    for odd columns: =SUM(IF(MOD(COLUMN(A1:D1),2)=1,A1:D1)) for even columns =SUM(IF(MOD(COLUMN(A1:D1),2)=0,A1:D1)) entered as an array formula CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
  2. V

    How Do I Add A Print MsgBox Button (To A MsgBox)?

    VBScript code to print using notepad: Dim objFSO, objText, strText, strFile, objShell strFile=replace(WScript.ScriptFullName,WScript.ScriptName,"to_print.txt") strText="Test" 'message that should be printed Set objShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.shell") Set...
  3. V

    zero or no zero

    =IF(LEN(C1)>0,IF(AND(C1>=0,C1<5),A1,""),"") or =IF(AND(C1>=0,C1<5,LEN(C1)>0),A1,"")
  4. V

    Hiding rows after a check box is selected

    the code below assumes you have a check box called "Check Box 1" in "Sheet1" and hides rows 11 to 44 based on its value. You can create a Sub for each checkbox by right clicking on it, selecting "Assign Macro", then select "New". Sub CheckBox1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim...
  5. V

    Three Questions on Pyramids

    He means the two buttons in the funnel (pyramids) chart worksheet.
  6. V

    Calculate percentage of target achieved when target is a negative number

    If you are calculating percentage of target achieved, then the target has to be larger than the actual number and both should be positive. For this the formula is: =(Actual/Target)*100 If you have negative numbers, you can only calculate percentage change from actual to target. For this a...
  7. V

    Macros to Hide some worksheets in a workbook

    Not sure if the code below helps but it's one way of doing it. In the Workbook_Open event put a call to HideSheets to run the macro when the workbook is opened. Sub HideSheets() Dim choice As Integer Dim strList As String Dim ws As Worksheet Do Until choice > 0 And choice < 6...
  8. V

    Using a VBA to pull information from other sheets and then name the set

    Try this for making up the list: Sub MakeList() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim strRange As String r = 1 c = 12 For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If ws.Name <> "Summary" Then r = r + 1 Worksheets("Summary").Cells(r, c) = ws.Range("C5") End...
  9. V

    Auto-naming worksheets in a workbook under certain conditions

    To skip C5 if it's empty, change this line: If ws.Range("C5") <> "<>" Then to: If ws.Range("C5") <> "<>" and ws.Range("C5") <> "" Then
  10. V

    Same occurence and the time that elapsed.

    Can you post a sample of your data for which the formula doesn't work?
  11. V

    Same occurence and the time that elapsed.

    That might happen if you have two rows which have the same largest date.
  12. V

    Same occurence and the time that elapsed.

    =LARGE((IF(A:A=D1,B:B)),1)-LARGE((IF(A:A=D1,B:B)),2) the formula assumes all the unique ids are in column A, the dates are in column B and the unique id you are searching for is in D1 Should be entered as an array formula Ctrl+Shift+Enter
  13. V

    Writing inequality equations

    =IF(Stats!K37>=0.75,"Well Done",IF(Stats!K37<0.5,"Needs Improvement","Good Effort!"))
  14. V

    Having Trouble Hiding Entire Column (Please Help)

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim myRange As Range Dim lastActive As Range Set myRange = Range("A1:Z100") Set lastActive = Target.Previous If Target.Previous.Column <= 25 And Target.Previous.Column >= 5 Then If...
  15. V

    HELP pretty please..Multiple tabs, weekly calender finding date with range etc

    Try the formula below. It's not a well written one but it seems to work on your test data. Few things you have to do though: 1. this formula goes into E3 and assumes column B has the dates 2. in the project dates and tasks sheet, the column (range) with the dates for a project should be...
  16. V

    Compile Error: Expected variable or procedure, not module.

    Might happen when the module and the sub inside have the same name
  17. V

    Changing one cell or Another

    I am not sure how the Valor variable fixes the % problem. What I did was to set the formatting of cell C1 to % and it worked. Sorry I forgot to post it in the original.
  18. V

    Changing one cell or Another

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) With Target If .Address = "$C$1" Then .Offset(1, 0).Value = Val(.Offset(0, -2).Value) * Val(.Value) ElseIf .Address = "$C$2" Then .Offset(-1, 0).Value = Val(.Value) / Val(.Offset(-1, -2).Value) End If End With End Sub
  19. V

    For Excel Ninjas Only --Plus anyone else who is REALLY up for a challenge... :)

    Paste the following into a module. To run it select the cells you want to change, run the macro and enter new sum when it asks for it. Sub RangeChange() Dim objCell As Range Dim oldSum As Long Dim newSum As Long newSum = CLng(InputBox("Input sum")) oldSum = 0 For Each...
  20. V

    formula to check overlapping dates where 2 houses are avail for rent

    I think you need to add a column for the dates only and count the overlapping days for each date. Not sure if you can do it without additional columns.
  21. V

    If Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then

    this should do it Sub ActiveXTest() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Worksheets On Error Resume Next Worksheets(ws.Name).OptionButton1.Value = False On Error GoTo 0 Next End Sub
  22. V

    If Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then

    try this line: ws.shapes("OptionButton1").controlformat.value=checked this should work for option buttons which are added as form controls, if you added an activex option button, it will be different
  23. V

    Tally this up

    Can't download the file, that's the first issue.
  24. V

    True or False, Is It Possible To Convert An Excel Module To A Stand Alone App?

    If you put objXLApp everywhere inside the With statement, it makes using the With statement pointless. Note the added ".activesheet" on the With line. Try this: <br /> Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")<br /> objxlapp.Visible=False<br /&#62...