Ok, I'm clearly missing something. Thanks for trying. There is really not a huge difference between my sample file (other than more names and a few more numbers) and the real file. The principle remains the same.
I tried the 4-47 but I always got the name of the last cell and I don't understand...
So even though I have given you a different file and different references, the general principle should be the same.
What in my coding is making it always point to cell E1? As I said, I'm not very experienced in macros and I'm trying to reduce a two hour job to a 10 minute one. Thanks
l try it tomorrow morning. Yes my original ref were different but I didn’t want to send a file with live data so I made up a test one. The principle is the same
Sorry I'm unsure what I am doing wrong but it is only picking up the last name of the column. I've attached a test file and my full macro.
Any thoughts?
Sub exportcolumnsv5test()
Set sht = ActiveSheet
ProfitDis = "C:\keep\"
NrPages = sht.VPageBreaks.Count + 1
For p = 1 To NrPages
If p =...
I have a question re: VBA macros, and I'm not very good at them. Anyway, it is one worksheet, with vertical page breaks and each column has a heading. So cell D1 is Person D, cell E1 is Person E etc to column AU. I want to use this column name to name my pdf docs. One pdf doc per person...
On a chart, I know you can align text on an x or y axis in a chart, but once you insert a data table, it seems that you can only re-size the font, not align it so it stops wrapping. So you might end up with a label that continues over 2 lines splitting the words 'For Example" up as below:
I did do a search on this site before posting into the forum (using lots of different words) and I have now "introduced" myself. I found posts where you could return a value or a date, but not return text. Perhaps there is something that I have missed though in researching this.
The data...
I'm Catherine from Australia. I'm an accountant and do a lot of reporting, specifically using excel. I really want to build my knowledge of VBA, dashboards and the excel formulas that I'm not quite comfortable with yet (INDEX, MATCH, OFFSET etc)
I am trying to simplify a process which takes me multiple steps. I'm trying to find the last position a person has held.
Small Example:
Person A Junior Clerk 01-Nov-09
Person A Senior Clerk 01-Dec-11
So when I use the SUMPRODUCT(MAX) formula, I retrieve...