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  1. I

    Changing Chandoo Forum Profile Pic?

    I clicked around first before asking this. lol Thought it'd be cool if I could upload my face.
  2. I

    Entering UserForm Text Into Cell?

    Resolved. I did this the only way I knew how. I'm sure it's a better way. The accept manual changes button is simply: ActiveCell.Value = TextBox.Text It's messy but it works. http://www.iandmyself.me/My.Crazy.Solution.txt
  3. I

    Entering UserForm Text Into Cell?

    More clarity (all I need). If I specify which cell directly I want my textbox.text to go in it works. textbox.text = Range("A2").Value However, I'm searching through Dim Cell As Range (or Dim C As Range whichever), and I have no idea which Cell I'm on to write the data back to. I've...
  4. I

    Entering UserForm Text Into Cell?

    I wasn't sure which way it was supposed to be honestly. In theory my assumption was one way writes it up, and the other way writes it down.
  5. I

    Entering UserForm Text Into Cell?

    Yep Just wanted it to return whatever I revise in there back to the worksheet.
  6. I

    Entering UserForm Text Into Cell?

    Here's an organized example workbook with buttons. Please have a look. http://www.iandmyself.me/Example_UserForm_Workbook.xlsm
  7. I

    How To Open VBE UserForm Window (With Macro)?

    I've tried these: OptionExplicit Sub OpenMacroNameDirectly With Application .Goto "MacroName" End With End Sub '''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = True 'Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane.Show They work like a charm, but not with getting in UserForm code (only...
  8. I

    Entering UserForm Text Into Cell?

    Having issues with the following beneath: Private Sub Enter_Manual_Revisions_Click() Enter_Manual_Revision_UserFormField.Text = C.Value End Sub In a public sub I'm using a For Each C In Range. It opens up the userform if any criteria is found, displays the first one found, I modify it in...
  9. I

    Manually Revising Cells In UserForm TextBox Fields?

    Ignoring everything above, I found every answer I was looking for. I got it to work, and it searches for each found word and closes the userform after the last. Excel does this automatically. I thought I would have to tell it to do that. I guess that's what "For Each Cell" means. : )...
  10. I

    Converting Excel Formulas 2 VBA Code?

    Nevermind on this one. Resolved.. *(kinda) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim C As Range Dim OpenBrace As Integer, EndBrace As Integer Dim Mystring As String Dim MidString As String For Each C In Range("A2") Mystring = C.Value OpenBrace = InStr(1, Mystring, "{") EndBrace =...
  11. I

    Converting Excel Formulas 2 VBA Code?

    I'm using these 3 formulas to split up a cell into three parts (in 3 diff cells). 1. everything before "{" 2. the contents in the middle of both braces 3. and everything after the last "}" These formulas beneath work perfect in standard worksheet mode. '=LEFT(A1,SEARCH("{",A1,1)-1)...
  12. I

    Manually Revising Cells In UserForm TextBox Fields?

    I was looking to check if any one word in a group of words exists in range, and then manually revise each of them one by one in a userform pop up box. I know how to structure the buttons to "skip" and "enter" whatever changes the user makes in the text box fields -back to the worksheet, I'm...
  13. I

    If InStr StartPos, EndPos, ContainsThis, Then Run This Action

    Beautiful, and what I find crazy is I'm under the distinct impression you wrote this without testing it, which could only mean you know this stuff so well you could've wrote this blindfolded. Thanks a mill.
  14. I

    If InStr StartPos, EndPos, ContainsThis, Then Run This Action

    Beautiful Luke. Only last bump I'm running into is this: 'Ensure both criteria were found, and End comes after Start If xStart = 0 Or xEnd <= xStart Then MySearch = "Keys not found" '''it appears I keep getting a debug error here Exit Function End If
  15. I

    If InStr StartPos, EndPos, ContainsThis, Then Run This Action

    xld | Luke Luke based on your post I guess I'm going to need a function to accompany this sub (which is cool). Just not sure how to make them work together. Here's an example of what I could understand more clearly. In this example I'm only searching for one character, but enabling the code...
  16. I

    If InStr StartPos, EndPos, ContainsThis, Then Run This Action

    I am in need of a simple code that will mark 1 specific character in string as a "StartPosition", and another as an "EndPosition", and a "SearchForThis" between those two points. As written simply as possible (any example for the start and end pos is clearly up to you for illustration...
  17. I

    If Exists, Find Replace 2nd Character From Start Of String

    Thanks for the clarity and resolution as always.
  18. I

    If Exists, Find Replace 2nd Character From Start Of String

    My aim for this is to find the second character from the left (which is a "{") and replace it with nothing. For one reason or another I'm having trouble? Sub Find_Character_Second_From_Left_At_Start_Of_String() Dim Cell As Range Dim MyString As String Dim MyRange As Range Set MyRange =...
  19. I

    aPos bPos, Replace bPos With Character ( Vice Versa)

    If Mid(MyString, i, 1) = " " Then Found it fixed it (the "1" was missing).
  20. I

    aPos bPos, Replace bPos With Character ( Vice Versa)

    Quick question... Keep getting a debug error here: midstring = "{" + Mid(MyString, b1, b2 - b1) I'm sure it's a quick fix but I can't figure it out. This is suppose to place the missing end-brace on the left or right side. I've been testing it with this line with no luck. Example blah...
  21. I

    Get Sub Name In Cell?

    Good stuff in there Sharma, much appreciated.
  22. I

    Get Sub Name In Cell?

    I'm using this to time my subs and input a cell value of how long it took. Did I write this correctly? Get_Time Dim Counter As Single Counter = Timer '''my code Worksheets(2).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = _ Timer - Counter & " seconds." End Sub So I can see easily see...
  23. I

    When Running Long Macros Is It Better To?...

    Oh wow I thought you had to set the Dim inside each sep Sub. Good stuff thanks Luke.
  24. I

    When Running Long Macros Is It Better To?...

    Gotcha, definitely with major event changes breaking is best. But by repeated does that include "MyRange" as well? I set it at the top once, and I reference it dozen times. Is this okay?
  25. I

    When Running Long Macros Is It Better To?...

    When running long macros is it more efficient-faster to break them up into individual subs, or to combine them all with one set of references (Dims, Ranges, etc..) ?