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  1. I

    Effects of Combing Multiple Worksheets To 1 Worksheet

    Good stuff. I've placed two blank columns between every other column in one of my workbooks (just in case I need to slide some data in somewhere eventually). Will this slow me up (or since they're blank columns does it even matter)?
  2. I

    Auto Scroll When Users Tab To Next TextBox?

    Resolved : ) Private Sub TextBox1_Enter() ScrollBar1.Value = 585 '''adjust value as needed End Sub Thanks Luke
  3. I

    Effects of Combing Multiple Worksheets To 1 Worksheet

    Would my workbook become slower or faster if I consolidated everything to one sheet. Same amount of data, just all on one of sheet instead. I am debating condensing, but I wanted to know if this would actually slow up all of my code, make it faster, or would it even matter?
  4. I

    Auto Scroll When Users Tab To Next TextBox?

    I was hoping to use a bit of code to auto click down one notch on the scrollbar -for each time I tab jump to the next text box on my userform. Just thought it'd be easier than having to stop typing just to scroll the scrollbar down further for more room.
  5. I

    Auto Tab To Next Text Box On UserForm?

    Perfecto, thanks kchiba : )
  6. I

    Auto Tab To Next Text Box On UserForm?

    Have I been silently black listed from this site? : ) Am I breaking a rule of some sort?, because no one's answered any of my last four questions in 3 weeks (no responses at all). I'm getting a little worried and paranoid that's all.
  7. I

    Auto Tab To Next Text Box On UserForm?

    I have several text boxes on a userform I would like to auto tab (down to the next etc..) once the end of the text box max is reached (-OR- when the user presses the tab key). This seemed simple enough I thought, but all of a sudden it turned into rocket science. Any help is appreciated.
  8. I

    Completely Loading WebBrowser Frames On Workbook Open?

    I have a few webbrowser frames on my worksheet (just a few small ones nothing major) that are a little slow to update and display. They leave white boxes of course until they're completely loaded. I was wondering if there was any way I can load all of these first as the workbook is first...
  9. I

    Spreadsheet Control In UserForms

    I got it knocked out :) I checked tools in the editor to see if it was there "Microsoft Spreadsheet Control..." It wasn't, so I downloaded it from the link above. I rebooted, went back into Excel and checked it. I drew the speadsheet control box on my userform (revised it accordingly)...
  10. I

    Spreadsheet Control In UserForms

    I've found a link here http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&id=22276 I got the spreadsheet control box in for anyone using Excel 2010 and it's missing. However, it's now telling me that my script is out of range? Any help would be awesome.
  11. I

    Spreadsheet Control In UserForms

    I'm looking to view a live range of cells in a UserForm (where the user can edit the cells on the user form if they want to - where the data they enter will also enter to the actual worksheet). I've been experimenting with the following: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()...
  12. I

    Hide Active Cell Border

    Searched a few places online to hide the active cell border. I ran across CPearson's 'Rowliner', but reluctant to use this because of it's limitations. I would lock my sheet, but bits and pieces of my code conflict with locked cells (so locking I'm afraid might be out as well). Is there...
  13. I

    Get File Using Wildcard For Folder Name

    The following code beneath works if the full path is entered. However, I am attempting to use a wildcard for the folder name to access an xml file. Please see '''the last five characters could be anything in the code notes below I've tried both "?????" and "*" to no avail. Any ideas on...
  14. I

    Converting .PDF To .Txt Files Using VBA

    I take it this is not possible? : (
  15. I

    Converting .PDF To .Txt Files Using VBA

    Adobe Acrobat Pro 8.0.
  16. I

    Converting .PDF To .Txt Files Using VBA

    I've found the following code benath, but it keeps bugging out at line: 'Set jsObj = AcroXPDDoc.GetJSObject Any ideas on what's causing this? Sub Convert_PDF_To_Text_File() Dim AcroXApp As Object Dim AcroXAVDoc As Object Dim AcroXPDDoc As Object Set AcroXApp =...
  17. I

    Converting .PDF To .Txt Files Using VBA

    Is it possible to convert PDF files to .Txt files? Could anyone point me in the right direction on this one?
  18. I

    Using Font.Name Proper Syntax?

    Never mind on this one. It was just a matter of me setting the default settings in Outlook accordingly.
  19. I

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange1,2,3.etc (ByVal Target As Range)

    Never mind on this one, I did some more reading and used multiple if statements instead. Thanks in any case guys.
  20. I

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange1,2,3.etc (ByVal Target As Range)

    With using: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) I'm trying to use this in several situations. I suppose it's not possible to structure the name like this for unique selection changes: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange1(ByVal Target As Range) Private Sub...
  21. I

    Using Font.Name Proper Syntax?

    For anyone familiar with MS Outlook VB code (via MS Excel). I'm using the following clip below to form an excel email template. It works great, but I was wondering how to format the font of the email it creates. With OutMail .To = cell.Value .Subject = "Testfile" .Body = "Hi "...
  22. I

    Adding A Cell Value To Existing Cell If Duplicate Found

    ...and there is no more to say :) Thanks Luke
  23. I

    Adding A Cell Value To Existing Cell If Duplicate Found

    I have a list of email addresses in column C30:C1030 I have another list of names in column D30:1030 I'm trying to write a code that will add the cell value text "(1 of 3)" and "(2 of 3)..etc" to the right of names already in column range D30:D1030 (but only if a dupe is found). If there's...
  24. I

    Attaching Specific Files To Specific Email Addresses (via MS Outlook or Excel)

    Thanks Luke this code worked beautifully. Only thing I'm trying to figure out now is how to specify a diff file path for each customer accordingly -because right now only the same file path-attachment is being uploaded attached for every email address (I was hoping to use Column D to specify...