I have a table as below:
App Id a b c d e
1 x x x x
2 x
3 x x
4 x
This table is not fixed in rows and columns
The resultant table is:
App Id Column Headers
1 a, b, d, e (this is where the "x" is)
Can you please help
I have created an excel file with dummy details..... like:
1. Name of the resource
2. Designation
3. Team Name
4. Name to link to Stencil (this should be used as reference to pick the stencil)
5. Line Manager
I have created multiple stencils based on City, Employee type (this name is the same...
Hello All,
I have a table having the following columns:
1. Assignee
2. Application Name
3. Month showing number of tickets
RAW Data is as below:
Assignee Application Name Jun Jul
Resource 1 Application 1 3 4
Resource 3 Application 3 160 132
Resource 3 Application 1 8 45
Resource 2...
I need to create cascading dropdowns using indirect function. and then based on these dropdowns charts should appear.
If drop downs are all, then all charts (miniature) should appear
If one dropdown is selected and rest are all then all charts related to that dropdown selection should appear...
This formula gives the top application:
=INDEX('SN Dump'!$F:$F,LARGE(IF('SN Dump'!$G:$G=Table1[[#This Row],[Original Name]],IF('SN Dump'!$M:$M=Table1[[#This Row],[Month]],ROW('SN Dump'!$F:$F)-MIN(ROW('SN Dump'!$F:$F))+1)),ROW(A1)))
Can someone review and fix if required.
Also, edit this...
Thanks a lot Narayan. It indeed did the job for me
The modified formula of the above thread is as below:
=CONCATENATE(INDEX('SN Dump'!$F:$F,LARGE(IF('SN Dump'!$G:$G=Table1[[#This Row],[Original Name]],IF('SN Dump'!$M:$M=Table1[[#This Row],[Month]],ROW('SN Dump'!$F:$F)-MIN(ROW('SN...
I fixed my formula to give the 1st top application having maximum tickets for a resource for a month
=INDEX('SN Dump'!$F:$F,LARGE(IF('SN Dump'!$G:$G=Table1[[#This Row],[Original Name]],IF('SN Dump'!$M:$M=Table1[[#This Row],[Month]],ROW('SN Dump'!$F:$F)-MIN(ROW('SN Dump'!$F:$F))+1)),ROW(A1)))...
Narayan -> the formula doesnt give the top application names.
If Resource A MOnth B has 3 applications: App1 has 5 tickets, App2 has 10 tickets and App3 has 1 ticket. The cell should say: App2, App1, App3
This is the end result i am looking for.
Thanks Narayan. i shall try this formula
But my table for reporting is as below:
Resource Name, Month, Top 3 application names
so the top 3 application names should comes in a single row.
Hello All,
I have a table having the following columns:
1. Resource Name
2. Month
3. Application Name
4. Ticket Id
Can anyone tell me how to find out the Top 3 Application Name for a particular resource for a particular month?
Thanks :) This was awesome and easy for Sparklines
Isnt there a workaround for Slicers?
Can we create dashboards in 2010/2013 and try and create a package like powerpoint so that it opens and displays the dashboard with slicers and sparklines
Hello All
I have been using Excel 2010 Sparklines and Slicers for creating Dashboards
Now at work unfortunately due to constraints I have been downgraded to Excel 2007
1. Is there a way to still work on Sparklines and Slicers for creating Dashboards?
2. Can i create an excel dashboard...