Hello to all forum dwellers!
Please advice. I have an excel table with workers name and when did they start to install the appliance or whatever. I need to define a specific range of cells (not each cell), which by double clicking on it, current time is shows up.
Ihave this code below, but it's...
Good Day People!
Can somebody help me with this issue?
I need help in P/N quick finding.I see that Chandoo is the best Excel site I ever knew!!I really wonder if somebody can advice how to do this: I have an enormous database with numerous number of P/N's, S/N's and etc'
I need to find...
Hi People!
Thanx for response! Barcode is the number...part number. I want Excel to find all devices,documents with the specific P/N like I press "CTRL+F" function...Where can I find the example of such a workbook? Or if I could send you my file to enter there this function please?
Thank you...
Hi Dear Chandoo!!!
I really like your site! It helps me a lot in my life thank your hard work people!
I need help in database building.Please somebody advice how to do this: I have an enormous database with numerous nummber of P/N's, S/N's and etc'
I really really need to find quickly the P/N...
I'm completely new in Excel, a beginner. Here's the simple questions for the beginning I ask somebody to help me.
1. How do I set my worksheet the way I see only A to G columns for example, not from A to infinity?
2.Ho do I set quickly rows and columns to the same size,like a "comb" in...