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  1. A

    Help with Date look up please

    Yes, It works. After I wrote last, I saved and shut down. After getting ready for work, I decided maybe I missed something even though I checked everything 10 times. after a computer restart, it was working flawlessly. It wouldn't work until I shut down. Strange. Thank you very much for your...
  2. A

    Help with Date look up please

    This retuns Not Found. I am using A2- A21 for from date, B2-B21 for to date, D2-21 for positions held, B25 for look up date, and B26 for results. Here is what I did to your formula to adapt it. I'm sure it works, I've done something wrong. Thanks again for your time, adown...
  3. A

    Help with Date look up please

    Yes, it does work. Let me explain myself. I am using this for positions held in my company. I have "from date" in column E,"to date" in column F, and "position held" in column G. Instead of returning the row # where the date is found, I would like to return the position held, which would be in...
  4. A

    Help with Date look up please

    Hi everyone, I found this formula on date look up from this website. This is awesome. I didn't know Excel would do so much. Here is the formula I am using =IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(E6:E15<=F3)*(F6:F15>=F3))=1,"Row no. "&SUMPRODUCT(--(E6:E15<=F3)*(F6:F15>=F3),ROW(E6:E15))-5,"Not Found") ...