May be this
=IF(OR(M6={0,""}),"",IF(L6="","In Service",IF(COUNTIFS(I6:I$1063,I6,K6:K$1063,K6) <=2,L6-G6,IF(M6=1,"Removed","R"))))
But I am not sure how you arrived at 31 and why the logic is different only for that row.
Sorry for delay in reply, here is a link to the solution I had give earlier.
Note: This uses a one line VBA code to identify the cell no if I remember correctly.
May Be you can use the following VBA
Sub test()
Dim l&
i& = ActiveCell.Row
j& = Range("B" & i)
Range("D" & i).ClearContents
If Range("B" & i) <= Range("C" & i) Then
Do While j& <= Range("C" & i)
k& = WorksheetFunction.Combin(Range("A" & i), j)
l = k
k = 0
Range("D" & i) = l + Range("D" & i)
I suggest you to use searchable drop-downs, In your method if I understand correctly you are pulling the names based on the surname. what if two people have same surname?
May be this VBA
Sub test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim j&, k&
For l& = 2 To 4
m& = Len(Range("A" & l))
m = m - Len(WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Range("A" & l), "A", ""))
For i& = 1 To m
If InStr(j + 1, Range("A" & l), "A") > 0 Then
j =...
May be this?
May be this code:
Sub test()
Dim b As Object
Set b = ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller)
With b.TopLeftCell
c& = .Row
End With
i& = Me.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row - 1
If Cells(i, 1) <> vbNullString Then: Rows(c + i).EntireRow.Insert
End Sub
You have to use evaluate since the formula you are using is an array formula. The formula I have given is an alternative even though the formula with MMULT is an array formula it is not executed using Control+Shift+Enter, since MMULT as a native function is an array.
May be this code
With Application.WorksheetFunction
modlv = IfError(.Index(Sheets("Poll").Range("AE:AE"), .Match(1, .MMult((Sheets("Info").Range("$E$15") = Sheets("Poll").Range("$A:$A")) * (Sheets("Info").Range("$C17") = Sheets("Poll").Range("$G:$G")), 1), 0)), "")
End With
Note: The...
I have changed your WKEND HRS formula to
and your WKEND AVG formula to
Hi Shahin:
This is working fine, I increased the loop from 20 to 25 and its giving me all the tweets I am looking for. Thanks for this quick turn around.
Hi Shahin:
This is working fine ( I had to add VBA reference library to get it working), but the only issue is that it is scrubbing only the first few lines of the webpage as @Marc L pointed out in his post the web page is not loading soon enough to capture the data. Is there a way to overcome...
Hi Marc:
Is there a way to add a line of code (potentially break time for 10-15 seconds) which will allow a considerable chunk of the web page to load before scrapping the data from the site? Does that make a difference to the results?
Disclaimer: I am not a programmer, my background is...
Hi Marc:
This is working fine for me . I can use formulas on this extract to get what I need for my analysis.However, it extracts only first few tweets on to the spreadsheet. Is there a way to dynamically decide on the no:of tweets to be extracted? say, first 100 tweets...