Here is what I am trying to do. I have some land that I want to build 6 rental properties on it that will maximize my rental income. I have 5 different homes I can choose from and each have different rental amounts. I could choose the home that would give the most rent and build 6 of those...
I am not sure if I did it right. Here is the formula {=MIN(IF((Sheet1!$B$4:$B$100>=1099)*(Sheet1!$B$4:$B$100<=0),Sheet1!$C$4:$C$100,1000000000))}. When I enter the 1E9 it becomes 1000000000 and the answer is 1000000000 in the cell. Sorry I am an idiot.
I did read it thank you. Now I assume that if I wanted to find the minimum from the same column the formula would be
[=MIN(IF((Sheet1!$B$4:$B$100>=1099)*(Sheet1!$B$4:$B$100<=0),Sheet1!$C$4:$C$100,0))} but it does not work. Is there another trick I do not know?
Here is what I am trying to do. I have placed the values in column A into ranges like 0-1099, 1100-1499, 1500-1999, etc. So the question is how do I find the max price of the range 3000-3500. The answer should be 249900.
1 SQFT Price
2 3242 242000
3 2100 146500
4 2664 465900
5 3395...