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  1. Y

    match or lookup with date and and other conditions

    It looks great! Thanks very very much. I'll try putting into my spreadsheet and see how it goes. Very much appreciated.
  2. Y

    match or lookup with date and and other conditions

    Hi, Thanks very much for your help. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0YbL3NgjCBQNThjMWU1YWUtZDc1ZS00N2VjLWJkNTAtY2JlOWQ2MTU1M2Fl Basically, the orders & delivery sheet is meant to bring in the most current price (from the price list sheet) at each date. You can see...
  3. Y

    match or lookup with date and and other conditions

    Hi Narayan, It appears that the function is not working the way that I had hoped. Is there a way that I can upload an excel so that you can take a look? Thanks, Yirmie
  4. Y

    match or lookup with date and and other conditions

    Hi Narayan, You are a genius - it looks like it works. I'll let you know if I have any more issues with it. Thanks so so much!
  5. Y

    match or lookup with date and and other conditions

    Hoping someone can help... much appreciated. I have an "Orders sheet" which needs to get data from a "Price List sheet". I need a lookup which will check for: the matching Product and the most recently updated price (relative to the order date). So for each order - the formula should find the...