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Search results

  1. A

    Summarize Data from Multiple Sheets

    Example: http://speedy.sh/N7RM3/Test.xlsx I'm trying to summarize data for those that open an email newsletter. Each sheet in a workbook will be unique to the date of the email. Format The format/headings of each sheet will be the same. Email/Name I need the summary to recognize...
  2. A

    Multiple Sheet Pivot Table

    I've created a Pivot Table that pulls data from Multiple Sheets. Each sheet corresponds to a date so the date field is the same for each record on the sheet. The data on each sheet is in the same format and layout: First Last Email Opened Date Bob Jones bob@bob Yes...
  3. A

    Consolidate Rows, Concatenate Data

    Hello, I need to consolidate rows that have duplicate records, emails addresses, and concatente a unique data piece from the record into one field. I found a post using concatenate, but could not quite get the output I was looking for. Example Name Email Model# Bob...