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  1. A

    Match data that is not in a list and return the cell value below

    I've fixed it, it works, I'm happy! Thanks everyone!
  2. A

    Match data that is not in a list and return the cell value below

    Hello all, Thanks alot for the responses. Apologies for the delay but was out of the office last week. I have tried the formula in my file and I'm now coming up with the message that "Excel has run out of resources while attempting to calculate one or more formulas"..... My file is not...
  3. A

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi all A brief introduction from me. My name's Aneela and I live in the UK. I work as a Commercial Analyst, love Excel and love this forum! I always thought my Excel skills were pretty strong until I see what a lot of the guys and gals on here do! Fantastic stuff! Thanks Chandoo...
  4. A

    Match data that is not in a list and return the cell value below

    Thanks Sajan Will try the formula over the weekend and let you know how I get on. SirJB, I have made my file public now (you learn a new thing or two every day!) so hopefully you will be able to view now! Thanks all appreciate the help. Regards Aneela
  5. A

    Match data that is not in a list and return the cell value below

    Hi Sajan, Thanks for this. I think the only problem here is that I don't know which cell the matched value will be in i.e. it could be in B65 or J23 so not sure how I would get the MATCH function to identify the cell when the cell reference is not A1. Does that make sense? Thanks
  6. A

    Match data that is not in a list and return the cell value below

    Thanks very much - I have uploaded the file here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0ByVXXmmtP2N5UnBYMGFuYzctNnc
  7. A

    Match data that is not in a list and return the cell value below

    Hi all, I have struggled with this and so far failed so would really appreciate some help. I am trying to summarise some data from an organisation chart. The formula needs to find the employee description from anywhere on the worksheet and then return the corresponding headcount from the...