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how to remove extra special character

Hi Team,

need help please!

I need to extract the email address only from a certain strings of words

Ronaldo Alvarez <ronaldo.alvarez@xxx.com>

used: =LEFT(B1,FIND(" <",B1)) to extract the name only
then used: =RIGHT(B1,LEN(B1)-LEN(LEFT(B1,FIND(" <",B1)))) to supposedly extract email address only
however, I am ending with this: <ronaldo.alvarez@xxx.com>

how would I omit the two extra characters on front "<" and at the back ">" so it would only show "ronaldo.alvarez@xxx.com"

Thanks in advance.

Seems you were just about there. Simply a matter of adjusting the counts.
  openBr,  FIND("<",email),
  closeBr, FIND(">", email),
  MID(email,1+openBr, closeBr-openBr-1))
= MID(email,
The first is my preferred option, the second with older versions of Excel.
You can use MID(B1, find("<", B1)+1, len(B1)-len(left(B1, find("<", B1)+2))))

On my phone without excel, so maybe the formula needs some adjustments.