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Recent content by Kevin Lehrbass

  1. K

    Changing SQL query (CommandText) of shared PivotCaches

    wow....this is a tough one....I would reach out to Hui. He is a mega genius :)
  2. K

    Vlookup formula inside another vlookup formula

    Hi Akuku. Nice question! Try this (it works on my Excel) =VLOOKUP(A4;INDIRECT(VLOOKUP(B1;Sheet2!A3:B21;2;FALSE));2;FALSE) Cheers, Kevin http://www.youtube.com/user/MySpreadsheetLab
  3. K

    Are There Any

    Hi Dparteka, Yes, Hui created a beauty of a formula there! My guess is that Excel interprets your new sheet names as dates. Name your sheet like this: 01_10 and 11_20 and 21_30 and update the formula as seen below...
  4. K

    Set a Dynamic Print Area based on count of rows

    Hi Bjones, (a) Set the original print area something like this =Sheet1!$A$1:$A$21 by selecting 'Page Layout' / 'Print Area' / 'Set Print Area' (b) Go to 'Formulas' / 'Name Manager' and then use a formula like this: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,0,0,Sheet1!$B$1,1) Make sure that you change...
  5. K

    promblem counting individual data between various ranges

    Hi ShonaM, Try this formula: =SUMPRODUCT((B2:B10="company 1")*(H2:H10=11)) Column H contains a formula to extract the month number from start date for each row: =MONTH(G2) (drag down for all rows) Column B has your company names. If this works, you can type company 1 into a cell...
  6. K

    SQL with Excel

    I would definitely agree with Luke about the hands on approach to learning. Learning by necessity is great advice! Build a model in Excel that uses macros. Record macros (don't forget about the stop recording button!!) and then learn how to add looping to your code for example. Macro recorder...
  7. K


    try: =SUMPRODUCT((C:C="Team G")*(G:G="Team G")) does that work? your formula: =SUMPRODUCT((C:C="Team G")*(G:G="Team G")*(E:E)) should work but maybe there is an issue with the data possibly...
  8. K


    Hi rbobcat1, issue may be related to the formula syntax. try this: =COUNTIFS(C:C,"Team G",G:G,"Team G") i just removed the = sign and it works on my Excel. Cheers, Kevin
  9. K

    Combo Box list based on value in another cell

    Hi Ninad, I tried attaching a dynamic named range =OFFSET(Sheet1!$B$2,0,0,MATCH(Sheet1!$A$1,Sheet1!$B$2:$B$22,0),1) to the combo box. That didn't update after changing cell A1. So, in cell D2, I added this formula =IF($A$1<B2,"",B2) and dragged it down. I created a 2nd named range...
  10. K

    SUMIFS problem

    Hi Will31, I think the only issue is "=>" versus ">=" Try moving the = sign after the > sign. It's working on my sample file I made. =SUMIFS(Data!$G$2:$G$3000,Data!$A$2:$A$3000,CTS!$A40,Data!$F$2:$F$3000,">="&CTS!I$2,Data!$F$2:$F$3000,"<"&CTS!J$2) Cheers, Kevin
  11. K

    Pivot Table-Help

    Hi bfraser, I would create a formula helper column beside the raw data that you can use in your pivot for sorting. You may need to concatenate values to get the required sort key. Also, if the helper column is to the right of your data, you may need to extend the pivot's data range one...
  12. K

    grouping columns and identifying unique values

    Hi canadiang8r, I have built a template that I believe meets your requirements. The main formula in the solution is the INDIRECT function. It builds a dynamic formula (so you can quickly copy a new sheet into the workbook and only once type in new sheet name). Basically, you just type in the...
  13. K

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi Everyone, Chandoo's site is awesome! Great tips and downloads. He makes everything look so professional. No dull spreadsheets or charts here! Chandoo and I are selling the wedding planner. Something I worked on for quite a long time. It was nice to get it finished and start selling it...