Function networkingdays(sDate As Date, eDate As Date, workingDays As String) As Integer ' This function tells you how many working days are there between 2 given dates. ' You can use this to calculate working days in countries where saturday and sunday are ' not usually holidays ' eg. use: =networkingdays("01-06-2009","02-07-2019","12356") ' will tell you the count of mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, fridays and saturdays ' between 01-06-2009 and 02-07-2019 Dim totalDays, startDay As Integer Dim curWeekday As Integer Dim i, retVal As Integer totalDays = eDate - sDate + 1 startDay = Weekday(sDate, vbMonday) retVal = 0 For i = 1 To 7 curWeekday = (startDay - i) Mod 7 + 1 If InStr(workingDays, CStr(i)) > 0 Then retVal = retVal + Int(totalDays / 7) If curWeekday <= totalDays Mod 7 Then retVal = retVal + 1 End If End If Next i networkingdays = retVal End Function